Thursday, October 19, 2023

Uncover the Best Fashion and Beauty Buys on SHOPEE with your Shopee Besties this October

Shopee is thrilled to announce the launch of "Shopee Besties," a dynamic squad of the country's top fashion and beauty influencers. These influencers have shared their favorite Shopee fashion & beauty picks since July. With the official launch, this exciting collaboration is set to redefine the online shopping experience as the Besties reveal more fashion and beauty secrets from Shopee.Huiyan Pan, Head of Marketing at Shopee Philippines, shared about the partnership, stating, "We are glad to be partnering with fan-favorite influencers to bring more personalized and engaging content to our shoppers in the Philippines. Shoppers can look forward...

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

BAYAD and RCBC Renew Partnership, Enabling Seamless Digital Financial Solutions

The pioneer brand in the outsourced payment collection system in the Philippines, CIS Bayad Center, Inc. (Bayad) has renewed its partnership with Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation (RCBC), enabling inclusive financial services through RCBC Diskartech and RCBC ATM Go.RCBC DiskarTech is the country’s first multilingual financial inclusion application that allows users to deposit, save, withdraw, and pay bills.With its bills payment capability powered by Bayad, RCBC DiskarTech app users will now be able to conveniently settle their bills for electric and water utilities, cable and internet, government contributions, loan payments, credit cards,...

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