Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Acer Day 2024 Concert "AI'm Limitless" Happening at SM MOA Arena on August 4 feat. SB19, G22, Rico Blanco, and Sandara Park

Returning for its eighth straight year, the annual Acer Day celebration is back with the theme ‘AI'm Limitless’. The event encourages users to discover the latest Acer products, all designed to enhance user experiences and unlock the untapped potential to do more. Acer Day 2024 will showcase Acer’s AI-enhanced products that help push the boundaries of technology and foster new creative ideas and capabilities among its users.AI has become a significant influence in people's lives, expanding the realms of creativity and imagination. Acer recognizes these shifts and has committed to providing individuals with the tools they need to explore...

Forest Lake Imparts Important Life Reminders With Humorous “Itim na Pusa” Video

Forest Lake, the Philippines’ largest and leading memorial park developer, recently captured online attention with a humor-laced digital ad featuring a black cat. The video shows two guys encountering the cat while crossing a street and calling it bad luck, alluding to a superstitious belief long held by old folks. However, a surprising twist in the encounter imparts an important reminder: life is unpredictable, and it’s crucial to be prepared for the unexpected.The video is part of Forest Lake’s ongoing campaign to reshape public perception about death and memorial care by utilizing humor in addressing a common stigma, one episode at a time.Forest...

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