Tuesday, October 03, 2023

On What Matters Most: DonBelle Reveals SMART Choices for Their Future

The new generation's phenomenal loveteam, Donny Pangilinan and Belle Mariano or DonBelle, opened up about their most cherished values in a recent interview for their latest campaign with Smart Prepaid.The hit on-screen partners and Smart Prepaid endorsers revealed how fame has molded them into more responsible individuals, recognizing that the decisions they make today will shape their future.“I think what I value most is my time because I feel like anyone who gives time to something means you value that thing because there's so much you can do in life but there's so little time you can do them,” said Donny.“It's a very important thing to keep...

Radyo5 TRUE FM’s Pursuit of Excellence Rewarded with “Best Radio Station” Award and Improved Ratings

Radyo5 TRUE FM has marked another important milestone by winning the “Best Radio Station” award at the recently concluded 11th Makatao Awards of the People Management Association of the Philippines (PMAP).This recognition highlights the big strides that Radyo 5 has made since it successfully rebranded its radio station in March of this year and transformed its programming to deliver truthful and impactful news and public services shows on the FM band.According to NIELSEN ratings, the station holds the No. 7 position in the FM band and the No. 8 spot among all radio stations in the country, surpassing DZBB, which ranks No. 10. Meanwhile, based...

Monday, October 02, 2023

ED SHEERAN Releases His New Album "Autumn Variations" Through Gingerbread Man Records

Announced last month, Ed Sheeran said of Autumn Variations -“Last autumn, I found that my friends and I were going through so many life changes. After the heat of the summer, everything either calmed, settled, fell apart, came to a head or imploded.”“When I went through a difficult time at the start of last year, writing songs helped me understand my feelings and come to terms with what was going on, and when I learned about my friend’s different situations, I wrote songs, some from their perspectives, some from mine, to capture how they and I viewed the world at that time. There were highs of falling in love and new friendships among lows of...

It’s Double the Possession in “The Exorcist: Believer,” Showing in PH Cinemas on October 4

It’s double the possession in “The Exorcist: Believer” when two teenage girls come back from the woods unknowingly bringing with them a demonic spirit that will forever change their lives.When the novel by William Peter Blatty, The Exorcist, arrived on shelves in 1971, a spellbound populace devoured the story of shaken faith, family trauma and demonic possession. When director William Friedkin brought the story - from an original screenplay by Blatty - to the screen in December 1973, global audiences were treated to an unimaginable fear that shook them to their core.Now, 50 years since the blockbuster’s theatrical launch, “The Exorcist: Believer”...

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