Embark on an emotional rollercoaster ride as former child star-turned-comedian Buboy Villar stars in “Ang Kwento ni Makoy,” a film directed by Direk HJCP and produced by Masaya Studio Inc.
Opening in cinemas nationwide on December 7, 2022, “Ang Kwento ni Makoy” highlights the story of an optimistic and compassionate nurse who is eager to lend a helping hand despite the struggles brought by the surge of the coronavirus.
Shot during the surge of the pandemic, the film comes from the point of view of a writer diagnosed with COVID-19, Ched Herrera (portrayed by Bella Thompson), who meets the outgoing Makoy (Buboy Villar), her father’s requested private nurse. Ched and Makoy eventually become friends, but they have different perspectives in life. Ched believes that “one needs to put oneself first more than anyone,” which greatly contrasts with Makoy who has lived his whole life in service of others. With their clashing opinions, Makoy is determined to change Ched’s perspective before she leaves the hospital. Will he be able to change her mind or would it all be in vain?
“The pandemic had a huge impact on our lives. During the lockdown, everyone was looking for that beacon of hope to continue moving forward. The main character, Makoy, embodies that and, through him, we are reassured that no matter what trials we live through, everything will eventually fall into place,” director HJCP shared.
Witness a different side of Buboy Villar in his latest comedy-drama, “Ang Kwento ni Makoy,” opening in cinemas nationwide this December 7.
For more information, like and follow the official Facebook page of Ang Kwento ni Makoy at https://www.facebook.com/KuwentoniMakoy or visit Masaya Studio’s official website at www.masayastudio.com.
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