Christian Bautista Celebrates 10th Anniversary with ‘X Class’ Concert

The secret to Christian Bautista’s success is his constant evolution throughout his 10-year-old singing career. From the lanky, Josh Groban-like singing search contestant, he has evolved into the country’s biggest Asiansation.
Christian’s 10th anniversary concert X Class, October 6, 7, 12, 13, 14 at the Meralco Theater, spares no cent to ensure that the public experience a totally different musical experience – from changing sets to jaw-dropping technology to beautiful music and amazing performances. This concert also celebrates his birthday month.
“This concert will be so different from all the other concerts I’ve done before,” says Christian. “I am so excited for this concert because this will be so big and different.”
For tickets, call Ticketworld at 891-9999.
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